It's AN exciting time for storytellers

The world of storytelling and entertainment continues to evolve as audiences choose how, where and when they connect with story, disrupting old modes of interaction, distribution and formats.  

So what do we do?

It's a question we are frequently asked, and you may not be surprised to find that it's NOT JUST ONE THING.

We're sometimes bought on at a concept phase - to deep dive into story with a focus on structure, genre, pacing and legitimacy.

Other times we're engaged at a developmental stage - which means we go through the story and strategy with a fine-toothed comb to make sure that relevant opportunities are being exploited - yes, we hate that word too - that audience engagement triggers are baked into the story and that measurements of success are defined.

Then we're often appointed on writing teams, storyworld builders, storybible creators, experience designers, audience engagers and a host of other things that often arise as we work through this process.

So, you see - not just one thing, but all with theme as the DNA and story at the heart, at the centre.


The world of storytelling and entertainment continues to evolve as audiences choose how, where and when they connect with story, disrupting old modes of interaction, distribution and formats.  

storycentral positions this 'increasing sophistication of storytelling' as a baseline, a foundation that weaves in consideration of audience and levels of immersion, along with measurements of 'success'.  storycentral it works with studios, TV networks, theme parks, agencies, publishers, brands and writers to develop and prototype innovative Intellectual Property, encouraging new methods for connecting with audiences, immersive interactive storytelling across these exciting new distribution channels.


Our mantra?

Be genuine, BE relevanT, BE credible

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